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results (33)

GLPN 66820 X

Grundig 60cm Freestanding Fridge_Pearl Steel

Grundig 60cm Freestanding Fridge_Pearl Steel GLPN 66820 X
  • Vitamin Zone: Preserve fruits and vegetables for a longer time
  • ComfortFit: It's aesthetic as well as functional
  • SuperFresh: Keep your meat&fish fresher

GFPN 66820 X

Grundig 60cm Freestanding Fridge_Pearl Steel

Grundig 60cm Freestanding Fridge_Pearl Steel GFPN 66820 X
  • ComfortFit: It's aesthetic as well as functional


Grundig 84cm French Door Eco Fridge with Water Dispenser_Inox

Grundig 84cm French Door Eco Fridge with Water Dispenser_Inox GQN1232FX
  • FullFresh+: Keep fresh, waste less
  • Ion Fresh: More freshness, less odour
  • OdourFresh+: Neutralise your fridge nasties


Grundig 91cm Side by Side Fridge with Auto Ice Maker_Pearl Steel

Grundig 91cm Side by Side Fridge with Auto Ice Maker_Pearl Steel GSN30311FXBR
  • Vitamin Zone: Preserve fruits and vegetables for a longer time
  • Fast Ice Making: Meet the fastest refrigerator ice maker
  • Led Illumination: Eco-friendly way to Illumination: Led Lights

GKPN 46820 XP

Grundig 60cm Bottom Mount Fridge Freezer_Pearl Steel

Grundig 60cm Bottom Mount Fridge Freezer_Pearl Steel GKPN 46820 XP
  • Aerofresh: Long lasting freshness
  • Vitamin Zone: Preserve fruits and vegetables for a longer time
  • ComfortFit: It's aesthetic as well as functional


Cooling(Integrated Fridges)

Cooling(Integrated Fridges) GSMI25730FN
  • Vitamin Zone: Preserve fruits and vegetables for a longer time
  • SuperFresh: Keep your meat&fish fresher
  • Led Illumination: Eco-friendly way to Illumination: Led Lights

GKNI 15740N

Cooling(Integrated Fridge Freezers)

Cooling(Integrated Fridge Freezers) GKNI 15740N
  • SuperFresh: Keep your meat&fish fresher
  • Led Illumination: Eco-friendly way to Illumination: Led Lights


Grundig 90cm Multifunction Range Cooker_Inox

Grundig 90cm Multifunction Range Cooker_Inox GFLM14020XC
  • High Efficient Gas Burner: Evenly distributed efficient cooking
  • Gas Safety: that prevents gas leakage


Grundig 60cm SmartAero Pro Steam Assisted Built in Oven_Inox

Grundig 60cm SmartAero Pro Steam Assisted Built in Oven_Inox GEBD19401BHI
  • SmartAero Pro: No matter the cook, chef quality results


Grundig 60cm SmartAero Pro Built in Oven_Dark Inox

Grundig 60cm SmartAero Pro Built in Oven_Dark Inox GEBM19600DXHI
  • SmartAero Pro: No matter the cook, chef quality results
  • PizzaExpert Feature: High temperature pizza setting for perfect pizzas
  • Halogen Interior Illumination: More energy efficient and brighter interior lighting


Cooking(Built-in Ovens)

Cooking(Built-in Ovens) GEBTM19400DXPS
  • Divide & Cook Technology: Two dishes, two temperatures, one oven!
  • Pyrolitic Cleaning Feature: A pyrolytic system that cleans the oven for you
  • Cool-Touch Door: Your hands are in safe!

GEZST 47000 B

Grundig 60cm Divide and Cook Oven_Black

Grundig 60cm Divide and Cook Oven_Black GEZST 47000 B
  • Divide & Cook Technology: Two dishes, two temperatures, one oven!
  • Soft Doormatic Feature: Slam-free doors

GEBM 34003 X

Grundig 60cm Multifunction Built In Oven_Inox

Grundig 60cm Multifunction Built In Oven_Inox GEBM 34003 X
  • EcoChamp: It’s quite cold but still user friendly
  • Halogen Interior Illumination: More energy efficient and brighter interior lighting


Grundig 60cm HotAero Pro Multifunction Built in Oven_Inox

Grundig 60cm HotAero Pro Multifunction Built in Oven_Inox GEBM19300BC
  • Soft Doormatic Feature: Slam-free doors
results (33)