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Built-in Ovens

results (8)


Cooking(Built-in Ovens)

Cooking(Built-in Ovens) GEBD19401BHI
  • SmartAero Pro: No matter the cook, chef quality results


Cooking(Built-in Ovens)

Cooking(Built-in Ovens) GEBM19600DXHI
  • SmartAero Pro: No matter the cook, chef quality results
  • PizzaExpert Feature: High temperature pizza setting for perfect pizzas
  • Halogen Interior Illumination: More energy efficient and brighter interior lighting


Cooking(Built-in Ovens)

Cooking(Built-in Ovens) GEBTM19400DXPS
  • Divide & Cook Technology: Two dishes, two temperatures, one oven!
  • Pyrolitic Cleaning Feature: A pyrolytic system that cleans the oven for you
  • Cool-Touch Door: Your hands are in safe!


Cooking(Built-in Ovens)

Cooking(Built-in Ovens) GEBM19300BC
  • Soft Doormatic Feature: Slam-free doors


Cooking(Built-in Ovens)

Cooking(Built-in Ovens) GBWMT12300XS
  • Soft Doormatic Feature: Slam-free doors

GEDM 26000 B

Cooking(Built-in Ovens)

Cooking(Built-in Ovens) GEDM 26000 B
  • PizzaExpert Feature: High temperature pizza setting for perfect pizzas


Grundig 60cm Compact Built in Microwave Oven_Dark Inox

Grundig 60cm Compact Built in Microwave Oven_Dark Inox GEKW19400DX
  • Halogen Interior Illumination: More energy efficient and brighter interior lighting
results (8)