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results (3)


Cooking(Built-in Hoods)

Cooking(Built-in Hoods) GDKP2464BBSC
  • Led Illumination: Eco-friendly way to Illumination: Led Lights
  • Air Cleaning Mode: Fresh kitchen air with Air Cleaning Mode
  • Auto Shut Down: Auto shut down feature that turns the hood off for you!


Cooking(Built-in Hoods)

Cooking(Built-in Hoods) GDKP5464BBSC
  • Led Illumination: Eco-friendly way to Illumination: Led Lights
  • Air Cleaning Mode: Fresh kitchen air with Air Cleaning Mode
  • Auto Shut Down: Auto shut down feature that turns the hood off for you!


Cooking(Built-in Hoods)

Cooking(Built-in Hoods) GDSP5470BSCH
  • Led Illumination: Eco-friendly way to Illumination: Led Lights
  • Hob & Hood Connectivity: You cook. It communicates, controls and adjusts.
  • Air Cleaning Mode: Fresh kitchen air with Air Cleaning Mode
results (3)