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Pickled Vegetables
Pickled Vegetables

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Pickled Vegetables

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Pickled Vegetables


Wasting too many vegetables?

You might think that aging or leftover vegetables are of little use in making a good dish.

The recipe 'Pickled Vegetables' by Igles Corelli
 from Ristorante Atman, Lamporecchio is part of the 'Garden in multiple textures' recipe.






30 MIN.


  • 100g broccoli tips
  • 400g finely sliced cucumbers, carrot and red radish
  • 100g diced celery
  • 100g chopped grean beans
  • 400ml water
  • 300g apple vinegar
  • 200g brown sugar
  • 50g salt


  1. Heat some water in a pot.
  2. Melt in the salt and brown sugar.
  3. Add vinegar.
  4. Cook one vegetable at the time for a few minutes, keeping them crunchy in texture.
  5. Add diced celery.
  6. Add finely sliced carrots.
  7. To store, fill a glass jar with the vegetables and fill it with the water it has been cooked in.
  8. Seal with an airtight container and store in a cool and dark place for up to 1 year.
