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Chocolate Bars
Chocolate Bars

Leestijd: 1 m

Chocolate Bars


Here is the most delicious way to make use of excess chocolate in the kitchen.

Chocolate Bars 1920x600
Chocolate Bars 375x600






30 MIN.


  • 100 g butter
  • 3 tbsp caster sugar
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 200 g chocolate
  • 200-250 g leftover cake, cookie, biscuits crashed
  • 50 g crushed hazelnut


  1. Butter and line a 10-15 cm cake pan with baking paper. In a saucepan, melt the butter, sugar, and cocoa. Stir in the leftover crushed cake, biscuits, cookies.
  2. Pour the mixture into the prepared cake pan, smooth the top with the spatula. Melt the chocolates using a bain-marie technique.
  3. Pour melted chocolates over the mixture in the cake pan. Use a spatula to smooth it, so it's entirely covered in chocolate.
  4. Before the chocolate has frozen, sprinkle the broken hazelnuts on it speedily.
  5. Put the cake pan in the fridge and let it wait for about 3 hours. After taking it out, let it wait for 15 minutes, cut it and serve.
