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Spicy Chicken Ramen Soup
Spicy Chicken Ramen Soup

1m read

Spicy Chicken Ramen Soup

This soup is a huge main course on its own.


Ramen has gained popularity worldwide for its unique blend of textures and bold flavors. This recipe showcases the healthy side of ramen, as it combines tender chicken, fresh vegetables, and aromatic herbs in a wholesome broth. With its balance of proteins, vitamins, and minerals, chicken ramen provides a satisfying and nutritious meal that can be enjoyed on its own.

So, if you're craving a dish that is both comforting and nutritious, look no further than a steaming bowl of chicken ramen. If you add your leftover noodles to this magnificent recipe you will prepare, you will do yourself and the world a favor.





2 servings

Preparation time/ Cooking time:

10 minutes / 20 minutes


500 ml chicken stock

300 g leftover noodle

30 ml soy sauce 

20 g sesame 

50 g chopped fresh onion      

15 ml oyster sauce

15 ml Worcestershire sauce

10 ml hot oil 


For spicy chicken breast.

1 chicken breast 

10 g hot chili pepper 

5 g cumin 

5 g dry thyme 



  • First, boil the chicken stock, oyster sauce, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce in a saucepan over medium heat for 15 minutes.

  • Meanwhile, sprinkle the spices for the chicken breast on both sides of the chicken. 

  • Fry in a pan over high heat for 5 minutes on each side for a total of 10 minutes.

  • Add the leftover noodles to the mixture of chicken broth you heated in the first stage and add bowls.

  • Slice the chicken breast into thin slices and divide evenly among the noodle bowls.

  • Combine all remaining ingredients in a bowl. 


