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                                                        Website Cookie & Data Privacy Policy

This Cookie Policy applies to -  - websites that link to it (collectively, the “Sites”).


We use cookies on the Sites. A cookie is a small file that is downloaded on your device when you access a webpage on the Sites.  The cookie contains information about you and your visit to the Sites.  Cookies are widely used to make websites work, to distinguish unique users, and learn how users interact with the websites.  The table below provides an overview of the cookies we use and why we use them.


Cookies, in addition to web beacons and similar technologies we may use, help us understand your activity on the Sites. By using cookies, we collect information about you automatically, such as the type of web browser or mobile device, your operating system, your IP address, the URL of the landing page and the referring website, the time and date of using the Sites, and the search terms used by you to reach the Sites."

Strictly necessary cookies

The following cookies are essential for the Sites to function, for example, to secure the Sites or to provide a service you requested.  These are “session cookies” (cookies that expire at the end of each user session) and “persistent cookies” (cookies that stay on your device after your session).


Cookie name



This cookie is used to identify the user's each unique session on the site and relates the visitor's unique session to server-side data. The cookie will expire at the end of the session (when you close your browser).


This cookie is associated with sites that use CloudFlare for speeding up page load time. According to CloudFlare, it is used to override any security restrictions based on the IP address the visitor is coming from. It does not contain any user identification information.


This cookie is used for the purpose of facilitating and providing Sites content, optimizing its efficiency. It does not contain specific user data.


You can disable these cookies by changing the settings of your browser.  Note, however, that if you block the placing and accessing of these strictly necessary cookies, you will not be able to use the Sites or we may not be able to provide the requested service.


Functionality, Performance and Targeting Cookies

The use of the following cookies enables us to follow users over time to improve the structure of our Sites and provide more relevant content.  The Sites also use third-party cookies for web analytics purposes (e.g., to manage and improve the performance and design of the website.  As these cookies are not essential for our Sites to function, we only set these cookies with your consent.  The Sites use session and persistent cookies for these purposes.


Cookie name


Google Analytics

The Sites use Google Analytics in order to track where our visitors come from and what parts of the Sites they use most.  This helps us to make improvements to enhance your experience when using the website.  The Google Analytics cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the website, where visitors have come to the Sites from and the pages they visited.  More info on Google Analytics can be found at

Google Tag Manager

This website uses the Google Tag Manager. This service allows website tags to be managed through an interface. The Google Tag Manager only implements tags. This means that no cookies are used and no personal data is collected. The Google Tag Manager triggers other tags, which in turn collect data if necessary. However, the Google Tag Manager does not access this data. If a deactivation has been made at domain or cookie level, it remains valid for all tracking tags if they are implemented with the Google Tag Manager.


Used by Google DoubleClick to register and report the website user's actions after viewing or clicking one of the advertiser's ads with the purpose of measuring the efficacy of an ad and to present targeted ads to the user.


DoubleClick UID cookies are used for serving targeted advertisements that are relevant to users across the web. Targeted advertisements may be displayed to users based on previous visits to a website. These cookies measure the conversion rate of ads presented to the user.


This cookie is associated with the DoubleClick advertising service from Google. It helps with tracking conversion rates for ads.


This cookie will help deliver our advertising to people who have already visited our Sites when they are on Facebook or a digital platform powered by Facebook Advertising. More info on Facebook can be found at


This cookie helps us to understand how a user to our Sites use the Sites by generating analytical data.




Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set when the customer first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the random user ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID.           


Hotjar cookie. This session cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that visitor is included in the sample which is used to generate funnels.  


Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set once a visitor minimizes a Feedback Poll widget. It is used to ensure that the widget stays minimizes when the visitor navigates through your site.


This cookie is set when a visitor minimizes or completes Incoming Feedback. This is done so that the Incoming Feedback will load as minimized immediately if they navigate to another page where it is set to show.      


Cookie set by Adobe SiteCatalyst analytics software - used for measuring the performance of page content using A/B split testing


This cookie is related to whether a user accepts cookies. If user clicks “Accept / Continue” on the cookie banner at the footer, this cookie is activated.


This cookie is used for cache controlling according to user behaviors.


This is cookie related to the URL that refers user to current URL.


This cookie is used for Sign-in with Linkedin.


A simple test value used to determine if a visitor supports cookies. Set each time a visitor requests a page.

Cookies can be accepted by clicking “Continue” or rejected by clicking “X” present in the cookie banner on the website. If you choose to reject cookies, you will not be able to experience the full functionality of the website. Once you accept cookies via cookie banner and decided to reject you can set or amend your web browser controls to reject cookies. For more information on how to do this, please consult:
We will not collect any personally identifiable information (e.g. Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address) about you unless you provide it to us voluntarily.
If you do provide us with personally identifiable information, we may use it to improve our understanding of your interests and concerns. We may use it to occasionally email you about changes to our Web site, new products, site and service updates and special offers we think you'll find valuable. If you would rather not receive these emails, simply follow the unsubscribe instructions on the email that you have received. We will use this information to send you requested services. Note: companies we contract with to operate our Internet site and our shipping vendors will have access to your personally identifiable information. However, they are required to keep the information confidential and are not permitted to use this information for any other purpose than to carry out the services they are performing for us.
We will not rent, give or sell your personally identifiable information to any outside organization for the organization's own use without your consent.
Grundig does not intend to collect any personally identifiable information from children under thirteen years old. We will specifically instruct children not to submit such information on our web site. If a child provides us with personally identifiable information, his or her parents/guardians should write to us at Grundig and request that this information be deleted from our files. We will make reasonable efforts to remove this data in a timely manner. How you can request changes to your personal information: Anyone wishing to correct/update/delete personally identifiable information from our database should write to us at Grundig We will make reasonable efforts to service your request in a timely manner.
Our business partners, whose sites you may visit after clicking on a link from our site, may have less stringent privacy policies. We do not have control over these policies and urge you to read their privacy statements before providing any personally identifiable information. Some of our business partners, whose sites you may visit after clicking on a link from our site, use cookies. We do not have control over these cookies.
If you have any questions or comments about this Cookie Policy, please contact us at our contact center. This Cookie Policy was last updated on 05/31/2020. Privacy Policy This site is made available by Grundig Appliances (PTY) LTD We are committed to protecting your privacy and this statement summarises the personal details we may collect from you during your use of the site and what our representatives and we will do with them. Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted on this page. If you submit your personal details to us as described below you will be deemed to consent to their use by us in the ways indicated. The information we may collect and purposes for which it will be used are outlined below. Shape