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Refreshing Savory Soup
Refreshing Savory Soup

1m read

Refreshing Savory Soup

The recipe that gives life to your leftover yogurt.


Feel the spirit of resourcefulness and respect for nature by transforming that leftover yogurt in your fridge into a refreshing and vibrant soup. This recipe embodies the idea of minimizing waste and celebrates the future of our resources by utilizing them thoughtfully. With just a few simple ingredients, you can create a delicious and fresh soup that tantalizes the taste buds while honoring the environment. 


With this easy recipe, you can feel the joy of turning leftovers into culinary delights while keeping the future of our planet in mind.





2 servings

Preparation time:

5 minutes


1 beetroot 

300 g celery 

200 g leftover yogurt 

100 g Horseradish 

1 clove of garlic 

10 g fresh ginger paste

5 g salt

5 g cumin 

5 g paprika

250 ml water 



  • Put all ingredients in a powerful blender and blend for 5 minutes.

  • Serve with extra yogurt on top.

  • Enjoy!
