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Leftover Rice Soup
Leftover Rice Soup

1m read

Leftover Rice Soup

2 full meals with 1 sauce!

Unlock the potential of your leftover pasta and pizza sauces with a creative twist that not only prevents waste but also brings goodness into your kitchen. Instead of letting those half-empty jars sit forgotten in the fridge, why not transform them into a delicious new meal? 


By embracing resourcefulness and being kind to the planet, you can discover the joy of creating something new and delicious while reducing waste. So, give your leftover pasta and pizza sauces a second chance, and let your taste buds revel in the flavors of this mindful and flavorful dish





2 servings

Preparation time/ Cooking time:

5 minutes / 20 minutes


400 ml vegetable stock

100 ml leftover tomato sauce (pizza or pasta)

80 g onion

80 g red bell pepper

2 cloves garlic

10 ml olive oil

5 g salt

5 g black pepper

5 g chili flakes 

5 g cumin

Parmesan slices

Fresh basil leaves 



  • Preheat the oven 180°C.

  • Wash and dry the onion, bell pepper and garlic. Take on a baking tray drizzle olive oil and sprinkle spices. Roast vegetables for 15 minutes. 

  • After 15 minutes remove the tray on top and blend vegetables with a blender. 

  • Take vegetables in a pot, add leftover tomato sauce and vegetable stock on top. Bring it to a boil. 

  • Serve with fresh basil leaves and parmesan cheese. 

  • Enjoy!
