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Leftover Hummus Soap
Leftover Hummus Soap

1m read

Leftover Hummus Soap

Sometimes hummus isn’t just hummus. Sometimes it could be soup.


Discover the perfect way to transform yesterday's leftover hummus into a flavorful and effortless soup that will leave you craving more. With just a few simple steps, you can elevate your hummus remnants into a comforting bowl. The result? A velvety, rich soup that showcases the versatility of hummus and the ease of repurposing leftovers. 


Not only is this recipe a time-saver, but it also ensures that every last bit of hummus is savored and appreciated. So, the next time you have some hummus leftover from a party or gathering, don't let it go to waste. 





2 servings

Preparation time/ Cooking time:

10 minutes / 5 minutes


400 g leftover hummus

100 g leftover pastrami 

100 g crispy, spicy chickpea 

250 ml warm water 

10 ml lemon juice 

10 g tahini 

5 g salt (check the salt of the hummus)



• Dilute the leftover hummus with lukewarm water in a saucepan over low heat.

• Once the hummus has warmed up a little, add the other ingredients and stir, except for chickpeas.

• Divide into bowls and serve with crispy chickpeas on top.

• Enjoy!

