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Leftover Fish Soup
Leftover Fish Soup

1m read

Leftover Fish Soup

A soup recipe that will make the oceans smile ☺


We beam with happiness when our world wears a smile and when we bring joy to our world, we find peace within ourselves. It is important to recognize that everything that graces our table is a blessing, and sitting down at that table is an act of reverence towards our world. 


Now, let's dive into an exciting adventure where we creatively transform the leftovers from a delightful fish feast into a scrumptious starter soup.




2 servings

Preparation time/ Cooking time:

5 minutes / 25 minutes


500 ml warm water

250 g leftover fish parts 

200 g celery root, chopped.

150 Jerusalem artichoke 

100 g fresh onion, chopped.

50 g parsley

50 g fresh mint 

50 g butter

10 g lemongrass 

5 g salt

5 g peppercorns



  • Firstly, start roasting the oil and onion in a pot.

  • Then add the celery root, fish parts, and continue roasting. Roast for 5 minutes. 

  • Add the warm water, boil for 15 minutes and drain the clean pot. 

  • Peel the Jerusalem artichoke cut into equal cubes and add to the strained fish stock. 

  • Add the rest of the ingredients and boil for 10 minutes. 

  • Enjoy!
