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Leftover Dumpling Soup
Leftover Dumpling Soup

1m read

Leftover Dumpling Soup

Zero waste and lots of flavor... It's all in this soup...

Imagine a soup... It's not only incredibly easy to prepare but also incredibly delicious. But there's one more feature that sets this soup apart. It's an environmentally-friendly soup. How so? The leftover dumplings from previous meals are the stars of this recipe. Why not transform yesterday's main course into today's soup!


Because the zero-waste mindset enables you to create brand new recipes and discover new dishes that you'll fall in love with. 





2 servings

Preparation time/ Cooking time:

5 minutes / 10 minutes


4 pieces leftover dumpling 

500 ml broth

20 g pak choi

1 clove garlic

5 g fresh ginger

5 g soy sauce



• Make a paste from ginger and garlic in a chopper.

• Take the broth to a pot, add the ginger-garlic paste, and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat.

• Add the leftover dumplings and pak choi to the broth.

• Boil the pot for 5 minutes.

• Add soy sauce on top and serve it.

• Enjoy!

