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Whole Beetroot Sandwich
Whole Beetroot Sandwich

1m read

Whole Beetroot Sandwich

Savoring Every Bite


By using both the beetroot and its leaves, we create a vibrant, flavorful meal that's as satisfying as it is sustainable. The tangy sour cream beautifully complements the earthy beetroot, while a delicate drizzle of daisy and lavender tea adds an exciting twist. The result? A sandwich that's a delightful explosion of flavors, textures, and colors.





2 servings

Preparation time/ Cooking time:

15 minutes / 5 minutes


  • 4 slices of sourdough bread

  • 2 medium cooked beetroots, sliced thinly

  • Beetroot leaves

  • 15 g sour cream

  • 10 ml olive oil

  • 5 g salt

  • 5 g pepper

  • 5 g dried daisy flowers

  • 5 g dried lavender flowers

  • 200 ml water


  1. Preheat the oven to 175°C (350°F).

  2. In a small pot, bring the water to a boil. Turn off the heat and add the dried daisy and lavender flowers. Let them steep for 5 minutes, then strain the tea and bring it to a boil again. Blanch the beetroot leaves in the tea for 2 minutes.

  3. Toast the bread slices in the oven for 5-7 minutes until lightly crispy.

  4. Spread a layer of sour cream on each slice of bread.

  5. Layer the cooked beetroot slices on top of the sour cream.

  6. Add the blanched beetroot leaves on top of the beetroot slices.

  7. Drizzle the daisy and lavender tea over the beetroot leaves.

  8. Season with salt and pepper.

  9. Finish with a drizzle of olive oil, and serve.

  10. Enjoy!
