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Puffed Amaranth Snack Bar
Puffed Amaranth Snack Bar

1m read

Puffed Amaranth Snack Bar

Turning the Ordinary into Extraordinary


We are excited to introduce our Puffed Amaranth Snack Bar. This delightful snack combines the distinct features of amaranth, a wonderful grain that's often overlooked, with the rich flavors of various dried fruits. Not to mention, it's a great way to use your leftover dried fruits. As you bite into this snack bar, the popping amaranth will bring a playful twist, while the honey-kissed dried fruits add a beautiful medley of sweet and tangy notes.





2 servings

Preparation time/ Cooking time:

5 minutes / 15 minutes


  • 40 g amaranth

  • 25 g dried apricots

  • 25 g dried grapes

  • 25 g dried figs

  • 25 g honey

  • 10 g flaxseeds

  • 10 g sliced almonds


  1. Heat a non-stick pan over high heat. Once hot, add the amaranth and immediately cover with a lid. Shake the pan until the amaranth starts to pop, then remove from heat and transfer to a bowl.

  2. Blend the dried apricots, grapes, and figs until combined.

  3. Line a small baking dish with parchment paper.

  4. In a large bowl, combine the puffed amaranth, blended dried fruit, flaxseeds, and sliced almonds.

  5. Warm the honey in a small saucepan until runny, then pour over the dry ingredients and mix well.

  6. Press the mixture firmly into the prepared baking dish and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, or until firm.

  7. Cut into bars and enjoy!
