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Leftover Pumpkin Seeds Bar
Leftover Pumpkin Seeds Bar

1m read

Leftover Pumpkin Seeds Bar

Nutritious and Vegan-friendly Treats


Our recipe for Leftover Pumpkin Seeds Bars is an ideal blend of sustainability and flavor, using leftover ingredients to create a satisfying snack. These bars are brimming with ingredients like toasted pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds, and oats, sweetened with molasses and dried apples, and touched with a hint of cinnamon. Easy to prepare and vegan-friendly, they are a wonderful way to utilize leftover pumpkin seeds.





2 servings

Preparation time/ Cooking time:

5 minutes / 18 minutes


100 g leftover pumpkin seeds

60 g molasses

30 g walnuts

30 g almonds

30 g rolled oats

30 g dried apple

5 g cinnamon

5 g salt



● Preheat your oven to 180°C.

● Spread the leftover pumpkin seeds on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

● Bake for 10-12 minutes or until the seeds are golden brown.

● Once toasted, remove the seeds from the oven and transfer them into a mixing bowl.

● Add the molasses, walnuts, almonds, rolled oats, dried apple, cinnamon, and salt to the bowl. Mix thoroughly until all ingredients are well combined.

● Spread the mixture evenly on the baking sheet, pressing down to ensure it's compact.

● Bake for another 15-18 minutes or until the mixture turns golden brown.

● Allow the mixture to cool completely before slicing into bars.

● Enjoy as a snack any time of the day!

