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Cozy Winter Soup
Cozy Winter Soup

1m read

Cozy Winter Soup

A soup that will warm you up that makes you say winter will never end.

Embrace the heartwarming essence of winter with a comforting bowl, a recipe that not only satisfies your taste buds but also celebrates the benefits of using seasonal vegetables and fruits. As the chilly winter settles in, there's no better way to warm your body and soul than with a steaming bowl of soup. 


The beauty of using ingredients in their prime is the heightened freshness and taste they bring to your culinary. As you savor every spoonful of this nourishing soup, you'll not only appreciate the goodness it provides but also the sense of connection to nature and the cycle of seasons. So, let the Cozy Winter Soup warm you from within, reminding you of the joys of using seasonal ingredients and the comforting embrace of soup during the cold winter days.





2 servings

Preparation time/ Cooking time:

10 minutes / 15 minutes


500 ml vegetable stock

100 g chopped leek 

80 g julienne onion

½ potato

½ celery  

50 g carrot 

60 ml sour cream

20 ml olive oil 

10 g almond 

1 cloves garlic, paste.

5 g salt 

5 g paprika

3 g cinnamon 



● First, roast all the ingredients except almonds in a saucepan with olive oil over medium heat for 7 minutes.

● Once all the ingredients have softened and started to cook, add vegetable stock and boil for 5 minutes.

● Blend the mixture when it starts to boil using a blender.

● After blending, put the mixture back on the stove and boil for another 5 minutes, then add the almonds and spices.

● Serve in bowls and consume at your desired temperature.

● Enjoy!

