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Vegan Chickpea Tofu Dinner
Vegan Chickpea Tofu Dinner

1m read

Vegan Chickpea Tofu Dinner

You can never pass up this flavor!

In a world where sustainability is key, it's essential to find ways to reduce waste and make mindful choices. And this Vegan Chickpea Tofu Dinner is the epitome of waste-free cooking! We're going to show you how to transform humble chickpeas into a delicious, protein-packed tofu alternative that will have you questioning why you ever needed animal products in the first place. But wait, there's more! This recipe is not only waste-free but also vegan-friendly, meaning it's free from any animal-derived ingredients.


A dish that will satisfy even the most discriminating palates is made up of crispy tofu, colorful stir-fried vegetables, and delectable sauce.





For 2 servings

Preparation time/Cooking time:

10 minutes / 25 minutes


  • 100 g sugar peas 
  • 100 g chickpea tofu 
  • 80 g onion
  • 50 g tomato
  • 20 g tomato paste
  • 200 ml water
  • 10 g flour 
  • 10 ml olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 5 g salt
  • 5 g peppe
    For the rice;
  • 100 g jasmine rice
  • 125 ml water



  • Chop the onion, tomato and garlic in a chopper separately, set aside. 

  • Cut the tofu bite sizes. Set aside. 

  • Heat a pot in the oven with olive oil. Add onion, saute for 2 minutes, add garlic and saute 2 more minutes. Add tomato paste and flour, saute for 2 minutes. Add tomato and bring it to a boil. 

  • In a separate pan fry the tofu pieces. 

  • Add tofu pieces and peas to the pot and cook everything for 15 minutes. 

  • In a different pot mix 125 ml water and rice. Place in the oven, bring it to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Rest for 10 minutes and fluff the rice with a fork.

  • Serve rice and tofu stew together. 

  • Enjoy!

