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Tendoori Hellim Skewers
Tendoori Hellim Skewers

1m read

Tendoori Hellim Skewers

A masterpiece at the dinner table: Tendoori Hellim Skewers.

Are you one of those who think every day what to cook tonight? If so, you'll discover a brand new recipe for tonight. This recipe will reveal the flavor of halloumi cheese and spice up your dinner with the mild salt it leaves in your mouth. With the spices and tomato sauce inside, you will not want to leave the dinner table and you will want to cook this recipe again every day. Moreover, since you will use a leftover tortilla in this recipe, you will be using the resources of our planet responsibly, without leaving any food leftovers.




For 2 servings

Preparation time/Cooking time:

10 minutes / 23 minutes


  • 50 g red onion 
  • 50 g fresh coriander 
  • 200 g halloumi cubes 
  • 20 g yellow bell peppers
  • 20 g green bell peppers
  • 20 g red bell peppers
  • 10 ml olive oil 
  • 2 leftover tortillas 
  • For the sauce;
  • 150 ml hot water
  • 50 g pepper pasta
  • 30 g tomato paste
  • 20 g garam masala 
  • 5 g hot chili powder 
  • 5 g paprika 
  • 5 g black pepper
  • 5 g salt


  • First combine the ingredients for the sauce in a pan over medium heat and cook for 10 minutes.

  • Julienne the peppers and onions and sauté with halloumi cubes over high heat for 5 minutes.

  • After 5 minutes, turn down the heat to low and start cooking by applying the sauce you have prepared on the ingredients with the help of a brush. Cook for 10 minutes (if the temperature level is low, you can turn the stove to medium heat).

  • Fry the leftovers in a pan over medium heat for 3 minutes (this step will restore the freshness of the tortillas).

  • Finally, serve the halloumi tandoori on a warm tortilla and make a wrap.

  • Enjoy!

