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Steamed Whiting with Leftover Potato Chips
Steamed Whiting with Leftover Potato Chips

1m read

Steamed Whiting with Leftover Potato Chips

It's not over until potato chips over.

The creative use of leftover potato in the dish contributes to its allure. You could transform them into a delicious covering for the fish rather than throwing them away. This technique not only saves the waste of food but also provides the dish a unique twist, taking it to a whole new level of flavor.  It's very simple to prepare Steamed Whiting with Leftover Potato.

The outcome is a stunning presentation and a memorable dining experience.




For 2 servings

Preparation time/Cooking time:

10 minutes / 15 minutes


  • Ingredients
  • 200 g whiting filet
  • 100 g potato peel
  • 2 baby carrot 
  • 70 g peas 
  • 50 g almond cream 
  • 2 asparagus 
  • 5 g turmeric powder 
  • 5 g black pepper 
  • 5 g paprika 
  • 5 g cumin 
  • 5 g salt 


  • First steam the whiting, asparagus and baby carrots piece for 15 minutes. 

  • Preheat oven 180°C.

  • Baked the potato skins seasoned with turmeric and 5 g salt at 180°C for 10 minutes.

  • Then add the almond milk to the saucepan with the spices over medium heat and reduce for 5 minutes to make almond cream.

  • Finally, combine all the products on the same plate and drizzle with the almond cream. 

  • Enjoy!
