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Nonwaste Shrimp Casserole
Nonwaste Shrimp Casserole

1m read

Nonwaste Shrimp Casserole

The planet says: We are the Shrimpion!

If you're a seafood lover who appreciates both delicious flavors and sustainable cooking practices, Non-waste Shrimp Casserole is a must-try dish. This casserole stands out because it is committed to reducing waste. To ensure that no delicacy is lost, this recipe cleverly uses every component of the shrimp, including the savory shells and the succulent meat.  

As the casserole slowly simmers in the oven, the flavors meld together, creating a harmonious blend that is sure to impress even the most discerning palates.





For 2 servings

Preparation time/Cooking time:

15 minutes / 25 minutes


  • 250 g whole shrimps 
  • 10 ml olive oil
  • 5 gr butter 
  • For the bisque;
  • shrimp shells
  • 50 g tomato paste
  • 80 g finely chopped carrot 
  • 40 g finely chopped onion
  • ½ clove of garlic
  • 10 g ginger paste 
  • 350 ml warm water 
  • 10 ml olive oil 
  • 5 g salt


  • First, remove the shrimp from their shells. 

  • Add the olive oil to a saucepan over high heat, then add the garlic, ginger, carrot and onion and sauté for 5 minutes.

  • Then add the tomato paste and continue sautéing for 3 minutes. 

  • When the tomato paste is integrated with the mixture, add the salt, warm water, shrimp shells and reduce the heat to medium. Bring to a boil for about 10 minutes.

  • Preheat the oven to 180°C, then place the shrimps in the greased casserole, pour the bisque sauce over them and bake in the oven for 5 minutes. 

  • After 5 minutes, remove the prawns from the oven and eat them when they are hot enough to eat. 

  • Enjoy!
