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Mashed Potato-Celery with Beef
Mashed Potato-Celery with Beef

1m read

Mashed Potato-Celery with Beef

Classics always make you Happy: Mashed Potato with Beef.

If we were to think of a classic dinner recipe, you would probably think of a recipe with meat and potatoes. This recipe was inspired by the classic main course and created to increase your taste. While you are preparing this recipe, you will feel yourself in a great comfort zone and you will meet a combination of tastes you know and you do not know. We are sure that you love our planet as much as your dinners. That's why we advise you to leave no leftover after this meal and enjoy your meal as a responsible chef.




For 2 servings

Preparation time/Cooking time:

5 minutes / 20 minutes


  • 250 g potatoes peeled and diced.
  • 100 g celery, diced.
  • 125 ml almond milk
  • 125 ml potato boiling water
  • 10 ml olive oil
  • 2 g salt
  • 2 g black pepper
  • 100 g ground beef
  • 100 ml tomato sauce


  • In a large pot, bring water to a boil and cook the diced potatoes until tender. Drain, reserving 125 ml of the potato boiling water.

  • In a separate pan, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add the diced celery and sauté until slightly softened.

  • In a separate pan, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add the ground beef and cook until browned and cooked through. Add tomato sauce on top of ground beef and stir.

  • Add the cooked potatoes to the pan with celery. Season with salt and black pepper and stir to combine.

  • In a blender, blend the almond milk and reserved potato boiling water until smooth. Pour this mixture over the potatoes and celery in the pan.

  • Serve the potato-celery mash with ground beef on top.

  • Enjoy!
