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Leftover Vegetable Pizza
Leftover Vegetable Pizza

1m read

Leftover Vegetable Pizza

You can make everyone happy because you are pizza chef!

Pizza with leftover vegetables is not only scrumptious but also a fantastic method to cut down on food waste. You may improve the environment and make the most of your ingredients by utilizing the leftover vegetables. A delectable Leftover Vegetable Pizza is the perfect replacement for dull leftovers. You may create a culinary masterpiece out of those forgotten vegetables using this recipe. This pizza is sure to please, whether you eat it as a quick weekday meal or serve it to guests at a gathering.




For 2 servings

Preparation time/Cooking time:

5 minutes / 20 minutes


  • 500 g cauliflower
  • 80 g aged carrot 
  • 40 g mushrooms 
  • 40 g broccoli 
  • 10 g yellow bell pepper
  • 10 g red bell pepper
  • 10 g green bell pepper
  • 50 g tomato puree
  • 10 g salt 
  • 5 g cumin 
  • 5 g dry thyme 
  • 5 g white pepper 
  • 1 egg
  • 100 g grated mozzarella


  • First, grind the cauliflower in a chopper until it is very fine.

  • Then knead with egg and salt for 5 minutes and shape into a pizza base.

  • Chop the vegetables and mushrooms to the same size and blanche.

  • Preheat the oven to 200°C. Brush the base with tomato sauce, add the other vegetables and send to the oven for 10 minutes.

  • Remove from the oven at 7 minutes of cooking, sprinkle with mozzarella and continue cooking.

  • Let it rest for a while after it comes out of the oven and serve it.

  • Enjoy!
