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Leftover Vegetable Fresh Pasta
Leftover Vegetable Fresh Pasta

1m read

Leftover Vegetable Fresh Pasta

A fresh recipe keeps the mind fresh: Leftover Vegetable Fresh Pasta.

We are sure that as soon as you see this recipe, dozens of alternative versions will come to your mind.  You will identify the recipe's shortcomings and come up with your own combinations. Rest sure that will make us delighted. Possibly even the ingredients in our recipe, the vegetables, are still fresh in your refrigerator. One of the best things about this recipe is its versatility. You can use any leftover vegetables you have on hand, whether it's roasted bell peppers, sautéed zucchini, or caramelized onions.

Plus, it's a fantastic way to reduce food waste and make the most of what you already have in your fridge. It's a truly delightful experience that will make you appreciate the simplicity and beauty of fresh ingredients.





For 2 servings

Preparation time/Cooking time:

15 minutes / 10 minutes

 For the dough;

  • 100 g cooked leftover vegetables 
  • 1 egg
  • 50 g semolina flour
  • 10 g parmesan cheese
  • 5 g salt
  • 5 g black pepper
  • 5 g nutmeg
    For the seasoning;
  • 10 ml olive oil
  • 10 g chili pepper, roundly cut
  • 10 g parsley, chopped
  • 5 g garlic, chopped
  • 5 g salt
  • 5 g black pepper


  • Any boiled leftover vegetables in your fridge can be used for this recipe.

  • Take the leftover vegetables in a blender add egg, parmesan cheese and spices on top. Chop ingredients for 2 minutes. 

  • Take the mixture in a bowl and add the semolina flour on top. Knead everything until it becomes to dough. Rest for 10 minutes. 

  • Roll the dough lengthwise and cut into 1 cm square pieces. 

  • Place a pot on the stove with 1 L water. Bring it to a boil and add salt. Boil the dough pieces in the boiling water for 5 minutes.

  • Place a pan on stove, heat the olive oil in it. Sauté garlic and chili pepper for 1 minute. Add cooked fresh pasta directly from the boiling water to pan.  

  • Serve with parsley, salt and pepper on top.

  • Enjoy!
