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Leftover Rice Risotto Dinner
Leftover Rice Risotto Dinner

1m read

Leftover Rice Risotto Dinner

ALL RICE! Dinner has been decided!

Risotto is a traditional Italian meal famed for its rich flavors and creamy texture. By using leftover rice as the main element, our Leftover Rice Risotto Dinner elevates this centuries-old classic to a whole new level. Reducing food waste is one of the best things about this dish. Utilizing leftover rice reduces food waste in the kitchen while also saving money. 

Additionally, when the tastes of the risotto blend with those of the other ingredients, they get stronger, creating a dish that is brimming with savory delight. You'll be astounded at how a basic ingredient like leftover rice can be made into something so delectable and filling.




For 2 servings

Preparation time/Cooking time:

25 minutes / 15 minutes


  • 300 g leftover cooked rice 
  • 150 g calamari
  • 80 g parmesan 
  • 50 g capers
  • 50 g butter 
  • 10 g fresh thyme 
  • 10 g sea salt


  • First, cut the squid into rings and soak them in a mixture of soda and carbonate for 20 minutes. 

  • Then drain, stir-fry with oil, capers and sea salt over medium heat for 10 minutes.

  • When the squid is cooked, transfer it in another bowl and add the remaining rice to the same pot. 

  • Fry the rice over low heat for 5 minutes, then add the paste and parmesan. 

  • Add cooked squid, turn off the heat and do not open the lid for 5 minutes. 

  • Serve with fresh thyme.

  • Enjoy!
