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Leftover Mini Fajita Tart with BBQ Sauce
Leftover Mini Fajita Tart with BBQ Sauce

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Leftover Mini Fajita Tart with BBQ Sauce

The delicious way to show your love of nature!

Fajitas are a crowd-pleasing favorite, but sometimes we end up with a few leftovers that need a makeover. That's where our Leftover Mini Fajita Tart comes in! In this dish, leftover fajita meat, vegetables, and tortillas are combined in an original and mouthwatering way. The fajita filling gives a savory and aromatic punch, while the tart crust provides a buttery and flaky base. It's a tasty variation on a traditional dish. 

The addition of BBQ sauce makes this recipe much more tantalizing. The fajita components pair nicely with the tangy and smokey flavors of the BBQ sauce, taking the dish to a whole new level. Each mouthful features an appealing combination of flavors, textures, and that addictive BBQ kick. 





For 2 servings

Preparation time/Cooking time:

10 minutes / 15 minutes


  • 2 leftover tortillas
  • 200 g lamb meat cubes
  • ½ leftover yellow bell pepper
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • 1 red onion 
  • 1 chili pepper.
  • 10 ml olive oil
  • 100 g grated mozzarella
    10 g fajita spice
  • BBQ sauce


  • First, roast the onions and peppers over medium heat. When the vegetables are well softened, put them in another bowl.

  • In the same pan, start roasting the meat over high heat. Roast for 5 minutes. 

  • Spread leftover tortillas on the bottom of ovenproof mini tart molds. 

  • Preheat oven 200°C. 

  • In a bowl, toss the meat and vegetables with the fajita seasoning. 

  • Add the fajita mixture to the mini tart molds, top with grated mozzarella and place them in the oven for 5 minutes.

  • After removing them from the oven, serve with BBQ sauce.

  • Enjoy!
