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Quince Vinegar
Quince Vinegar

1m read

Quince Vinegar


A Taste of Sustainability


Our dedication to a sustainable lifestyle finds expression in our creative and delicious recipes. Grundig encourages the reimagining of food, transforming what might usually be wasted into something delightful. 


Using the often discarded parts of quince - stems, cores, and peels - we've concocted a vibrant, fruity vinegar. This easy recipe provides a tangy addition to dressings, salads, and more, underlining that a sustainable kitchen is not just good for the planet, but a treat for the palate too.





Preparation time/ Cooking time:

5 minutes/ 15 minutes


  • 2 quince - use the stems, cores, and peel pieces

  • 30 g white vinegar


• Bring the quince residues and white vinegar to the boil in a pan.

• Transfer the mixture to a jar and let it infuse for 4 days.

• After 4 days, strain the liquid and discard the solids.

• Your Homemade Quince Vinegar is ready to use in dressings, salads, and more.

• Enjoy!

