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Leftover Whey Caramel
Leftover Whey Caramel

1m read

Leftover Whey Caramel 



Reinventing Sweetness, Sustainably


Our Leftover Whey Caramel recipe is a prime example of how we can transform what’s typically discarded into a delightful sweet treat. Think of the creaminess of whey, a byproduct of your homemade cheese-making, mingling with the deep, rich notes of brown sugar and the exotic aroma of vanilla. The result? An incredibly luscious caramel that not only amplifies the flavor of your desserts but also contributes to a zero-waste lifestyle.





For multiple servings

Preparation time/ Cooking time:

1 minutes/ 20 minutes


  • 500 ml whey

  • 50 g brown sugar

  • ½ vanilla stick


● Begin by reducing the whey by half over low heat.

● Add in the brown sugar and vanilla, continuing to cook over low heat until the mixture caramelizes. This should take about 20 minutes.

● Your Leftover Whey Caramel is ready to use in your favorite dessert recipes.

● Enjoy!

