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Leftover Vegetable Spaghetti Pickle
Leftover Vegetable Spaghetti Pickle

1m read

Leftover Vegetable Spaghetti Pickle 



Breathing New Life into Leftovers


Imagine the crunch of zucchini, carrot, onion, and cabbage, bathed in a flavorful brine, coming together to create an irresistible pickle. These spaghetti-like strands of vegetables, once mere leftovers, become a delightful treat to enhance your meals. Remember, the journey to sustainability can be as enjoyable as this tangy pickle!

The joy of knowing we're turning leftovers into a tangy masterpiece fills the kitchen, and we can't help but smile at the thought of minimizing food waste while indulging in a delightful treat.




For multiple servings

Preparation time:

2-3 days


  • 50 g zucchini, cut into long strips

  • 50 g carrot, cut into long strips

  • 40 g red onion, thinly sliced

  • 40 g white cabbage, julienned

  • 120 ml vinegar

  • 120 ml water

  • 50 g sugar

  • 10 g salt

  • 2 cloves of garlic, crushed

  • 5 g black pepper

  • 5 g red pepper

  • 50 g raw vegetables (cherry tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, capers, etc.)


● Start by washing the vegetables and cutting them into julienne and long strips.

● Place the cut vegetables in a large glass jar or pickling jar.

● In a saucepan, mix together the vinegar, water, sugar, salt, garlic, black pepper, and paprika.

● Pour this mixture over the vegetables in the jar and add the raw vegetables.

● Seal the jar well and refrigerate it for 2-3 days.

● Once the pickle is ready, you can serve it on slices of bread or as a tangy side to your meals.

● Enjoy!

