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Homemade Garlic Powder
Homemade Garlic Powder

1m read

Homemade Garlic Powder 



Elevating Simplicity to a New Level


Who knew that something as simple as a clove of garlic could be transformed into a culinary masterpiece? Today, let's explore how to convert this humble, aromatic gem into something as versatile and timeless as Homemade Garlic Powder.


In our pursuit of a sustainable lifestyle, we focus on minimizing waste and maximizing use. You'd be amazed at the magic you can create with just two cloves of garlic. So let's turn our kitchens into sustainable wonderlands, where every single ingredient, irrespective of its size or type, plays a vital role in our gastronomic adventure.





1 serving

Preparation time/ Cooking time:

10 minutes / 10 minutes


  • 2 whole cloves of garlic


● Slice garlic cloves into thin circles.

● Preheat your oven to 200°C.

● Arrange the chopped garlic cloves on a baking sheet, making sure they do not overlap each other.

● Place them in the oven until the garlic slices have completely dried and hardened.

● Once the roasted garlic has cooled to room temperature, put it into the blender and grind until it transforms into a fine powder.

● Your Homemade Garlic Powder is ready to be used in your dishes as a flavorful addition.

● Enjoy!

