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Green Oil
Green Oil

1m read

Green Oil 



A Green Symphony of Flavors


We combined leftover green leaves with the richness of olive oil, creating a versatile condiment that enhances any dish while minimizing food waste. Visualize vibrant baby radish leaves and spinach, combined and infused in olive oil. Now, imagine the burst of flavors they bring to your salads, dressings, and chicken dishes. With this recipe, we're not only savoring deliciousness but also showing love to our planet by minimizing food waste. Through this recipe, we promise a gastronomic experience that simultaneously respects and appreciates our planet's resources.





For multiple servings

Preparation time:

10 minutes


● 150 ml olive oil

● 70 g spinach

● 50 g radish leaves

● 3 g salt



● Begin by blanching and drying the baby radish and spinach leaves.

● Next, blend these blanched greens with salt and olive oil in a chopper.

● The blend is then heated in a pan up to 90°C.

● Once heated, strain the mixture through a bonnet or coffee filter.

● Ta-da! Your green oil is now ready to add a sprinkle of magic to salads, dressings, chicken dishes, and anything else our hearts desire!

● Enjoy!

