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THAIS: A Volunteer's Heartwarming Journey at Refettorio Merida
THAIS: A Volunteer's Heartwarming Journey at Refettorio Merida

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THAIS: A Volunteer's Heartwarming Journey at Refettorio Merida



THAIS: A Volunteer's Heartwarming Journey at Refettorio Merida


Refettorio is not just a place where food is served; it's a haven where nourishment transcends the physical and reaches the soul. Food for Soul's incredible initiative, Refettorio offers gourmet meals made from surplus ingredients to those in need, infusing every bite with love and care. In this inviting space, we meet Thais, a volunteer at Refettorio Merida, whose story of service, empathy, and dedication inspires us all.




Thais's smile and warm presence embody the essence of Refettorio Merida. For her, the joy of volunteering and serving good food to those in need goes beyond mere satisfaction; it's a soul-stirring experience that often brings tears to her eyes.


Service with Love


Thais's journey at Refettorio is filled with emotion, compassion, and the pleasure of helping others. "To have the possibility to serve what the chefs prepare with such dedication and at the same time, the pleasure to help is truly important to me," Thais shares. The recognition and gratitude she receives from the guests are deeply moving, making her feel both great and happy.


Tears of Joy


Thais's connection with the people she serves goes beyond mere gestures. The impact she has on their lives often leaves her with tears in her eyes but feeling wonderful inside.


Thais's dedication to food saving extends beyond Refettorio and into her home. "I try to cook exactly the right portion I need and not more," Thais explains. She carefully plans her meals for the week and avoids waste by cooking only for those at home.


"To make a list! I buy only what I need so I already know what I have to eat and I don’t waste anything, neither money nor food!" Thais's approach to shopping is both practical and mindful, ensuring that nothing goes to waste.


Grundig and Food for Soul


At Grundig, we are proud to be official partners with Food for Soul and to have the privilege to know and introduce amazing individuals like Thais. Her passion for serving others, her emotional connection to the food, and her commitment to preventing waste resonate deeply with our values.

Thais's story at Refettorio Merida shines a spotlight on the profound connection between food, service, and human emotions. Her joyful tears and the warmth in her heart inspire us all to see beyond the plate and recognize the incredible power of food to connect, heal, and uplift.


Whether it's the careful planning of meals at home or the loving service at Refettorio, Thais's approach to food saving is a beautiful testament to the fact that every small act counts. Her emotional "Food Saved Me" story is a touching reminder that food is not just sustenance but a means to express love, empathy, and compassion. It's about nourishing the body, warming the heart, and elevating the spirit.

