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Sandro: The Greek-Italian Chef with a Passion for Reducing Food Waste
Sandro: The Greek-Italian Chef with a Passion for Reducing Food Waste

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Sandro: The Greek-Italian Chef with a Passion for Reducing Food Waste



Sandro: The Greek-Italian Chef with a Passion for Reducing Food Waste

Refettorio, a vital project under the umbrella of Food for Soul, has been transforming surplus food into delicious, nutritious meals for those in need. But Refettorio is more than just a community kitchen. It’s a global movement that instills a sense of community and belonging while addressing the urgent issue of food waste. It's about creating dignity, sharing love, and fostering togetherness through shared meals.


Meet Sandro


In the continuum of Refettorio's inspiring stories, we present Sandro - a Greek-Italian chef based in Geneva. Just when he was on the brink of giving up, Sandro found new purpose at Refettorio, battling food waste using ingenious techniques, cutting-edge technologies, and a sprinkle of creativity. His story epitomizes the essence of the "Food Saved Me" narrative.


The Power of Shared Meals


"I love food, not just as a cook but also as a person. It might be a cliché, but food is love, it's something to share," Sandro states. He underscores the role of food in providing dignity and unity. "Food is extra important because, by saving and feeding everyone, you give people dignity. It’s a way of being together and giving back all the love you have. First of all, to people who can’t afford that food."


Innovative Food Saving Techniques


Sandro brings his creativity and tech-savviness to the fight against food waste. "These are Parmesan crusts. When we have enough stored we put them into a lyophilizer that pressures and freezes them at the same time transforming them into a kind of powder but without losing any original nutrient or colour. This way we can use it again and again," he explains.


Sandro's Food Saving Suggestions


"Saving food is an endless chain, you have to work on it every day," Sandro asserts. He stresses the need for everyone to start doing their part, given the absurd levels of food waste in professional kitchens and family homes. "Everyday we receive food surplus or donations ingredients that are about to expire to which we are able to give another chance, another life."


We, at Grundig, are honored to be an official partner of Food for Soul and immensely pleased to introduce you to inspiring individuals like Sandro. We continue to be amazed by the way these people use their love for food to create a better, less wasteful world. Stay tuned for more uplifting "Food Saved Me" stories from the heart of our partnered Refettorios.

