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Romain: Creating Wonder Through Shared Meals at Refettorio Geneva
Romain: Creating Wonder Through Shared Meals at Refettorio Geneva

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Romain: Creating Wonder Through Shared Meals at Refettorio Geneva



Romain: Creating Wonder Through Shared Meals at Refettorio Geneva



Refettorio, initiated by Food for Soul, offers more than just a warm meal. It's a social project that fights food waste by turning surplus food into nutritious meals for the needy, while creating a welcoming atmosphere fostering human connections and social inclusion. The aim is not just to feed the body, but also the soul, transforming the act of eating from a mere necessity into a moment of sharing and discovery.


Meet Romain


As we delve deeper into the Refettorio stories, our next spotlight shines on Romain, the young and dynamic General Manager of Refettorio Geneva. Guided by a special care for vulnerable people, Romain is on a mission to create wonder, not only through food but also through the shared meals at Refettorio. His story is a vivid testimony to how Food Saved Him.


A Moment of Wonder


"Eating is one of the human’s most basic needs," Romain acknowledges. "The idea of Refettorio is that food is also a social need. People come here not just for food, but to escape from their everyday life to have a moment of wonder. Not just alone but in a group of people. This gives the food a new soul." Romain's perspective on the power of shared meals underscores the human dimension of Refettorio's mission.


Innovative Approach to Saving Food


The Refettorio model also challenges conventional ways of serving meals. "The idea here is to have only two menus, one for omnivores and for vegetarians. This way we know exactly what is going to be served. This avoids lots of waste," Romain explains. He also emphasizes the importance of knowing your ingredients and using them fully. "Let's take carrots as a reference: the peels can become an excellent condiment, a sauce, or used for a broth. It's crucial that the kitchen team is trained on the best techniques for the recovery and reuse of food scraps."


Romain's Food Saving Suggestions


On a personal level, Romain advises, "Work with fresh food or know how to store it correctly and how to cook everything in the fridge when it needs to. It is important to know the ingredients you have available. Also, the trick is to use seasonal and local products." His advice highlights the practical ways each one of us can contribute to reducing food waste.


As the official partner of Food for Soul, we at Grundig are incredibly proud to share inspiring stories like Romain's. Through these "Food Saved Me" narratives, we aim to bring to light the transformative power of shared meals and the sense of community cultivated within the heart of our partnered Refettorios. Stay tuned for more such stories of hope and inspiration.

