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Paolo & Rita: A Testament to the Transformative Power of Refettorio
Paolo & Rita: A Testament to the Transformative Power of Refettorio

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Paolo & Rita: A Testament to the Transformative Power of Refettorio



Paolo & Rita: A Testament to the Transformative Power of Refettorio


Refettorio is an empowering initiative under the Food for Soul project that goes beyond a simple community kitchen. It’s an international effort to build social inclusion, sustainability, and nurture community through food. By transforming surplus food into nutritious meals, Refettorio provides more than just food—it fosters a sense of belonging, elevating the meal experience from mere eating to sharing and connecting.


Meet Paolo & Rita


As we continue our "Food Saved Me" series, we bring you the story of Paolo and Rita. These expatriates from Southern Italy have been residing in Geneva for their entire adult life. Living in one of Europe's most expensive cities is a challenge, particularly for retired people on limited incomes. For such individuals, Refettorio Geneva has become a sanctuary, a second home that lends a much-needed helping hand.


Finding Refuge in Food and Community


The significance of Refettorio for Paolo and Rita goes beyond just food—it's about social connections, community, and an escape from everyday anxieties. "It helped us. It makes us go out in the afternoon and spend some hours. Here at the Refettorio, you meet new people, you have interesting conversations, so you don't have to think about your problems at home," they share.


In the face of Geneva's high living costs and their struggle even with grocery shopping, the Refettorio provides not just physical but emotional relief. "Coming here helps us a lot with the mood. If you have anxiety or you are stuck at home, it makes you free from all of this," Paolo and Rita explain.


As an official partner of Food for Soul, we at Grundig are privileged to share the heartening stories of individuals like Paolo and Rita. Their experiences reaffirm our belief in the transformative power of initiatives like Refettorio that extend beyond providing meals to create social bonds and instil a sense of dignity. Stay tuned for more moving "Food Saved Me" stories from our partner Refettorios.

