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IULIA: A Journey from Volunteer to Head Chef at Refettorio Felix
IULIA: A Journey from Volunteer to Head Chef at Refettorio Felix

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IULIA: A Journey from Volunteer to Head Chef at Refettorio Felix

IULIA: A Journey from Volunteer to Head Chef at Refettorio Felix

Refettorio is a place where magic happens. Supported by Food for Soul, it's a haven where excess food is transformed into culinary masterpieces, and more importantly, a place where human connections are nurtured over shared meals. One name that stands out in this remarkable setup is Iulia, who started as a volunteer and became the Head Chef of Refettorio Felix. Her story is an inspiring chapter in our "Food Saved Me" series.




Iulia's passion for food and people is infectious. As the Head Chef of Refettorio Felix, she embodies the spirit of the place, working tirelessly to provide nourishing meals to those who need them most. But for her, it's more than just about food – it's about connection, sharing, and humanity.


A Chef with a Mission


Iulia's role at Refettorio Felix is not just about cooking; it's about providing sustenance, warmth, and kindness.


Food as Connection


Iulia believes that food is about more than mere sustenance. "Food is the only thing you need apart from shelter," she says. "It means sharing, eating with other people." Her vision and effort have transformed Refettorio Felix into an environment akin to a restaurant, but one where everyone is welcome, regardless of their means.


Saving Food, Serving Love


With a dual focus on nutrition and zero waste, Iulia emphasizes the importance of using surplus food efficiently. "Number 1 is to place a nutritional meal for the clients, number 2 is making sure that none of this food is wasted," she explains. Her concern about food waste also extends to the necessity of making each meal count for those who depend on it.


Inspiring Others to Save Food


Iulia's advice for others looking to reduce food waste is simple yet profound: "Learn how to use raw ingredients! People are so scared of handling food. It’s actually about freedom in the kitchen: If you know the principles, the chemistry behind food and you know taste, that’s it!"


Grundig and Food for Soul


Being an official partner of Food for Soul, we at Grundig are deeply honored to know and introduce to you inspiring individuals like Iulia. Her dedication to using surplus food to nourish both bodies and souls is something that resonates with our shared mission.


Iulia's journey from a volunteer to the Head Chef of Refettorio Felix is a tale of passion, commitment, and love. Her "Food Saved Me" story exemplifies what Food for Soul and Refettorios around the world aim to achieve.


As we continue to support Food for Soul and share these heartwarming stories, we hope that Iulia's wisdom and love for food and people inspire you as well. Together, let's celebrate food not just as a means of sustenance but as a powerful tool for connection, community, and change.

