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Wheatgrass Juice (Vegan)
Wheatgrass Juice (Vegan)

1m read

Wheatgrass Juice (Vegan)

A good midday choice: Wheat Juice.

Wheatgrass is a nutritious beverage obtained from the shoots of the young wheat plant. It is especially preferred by vegans as it does not contain any animal-derived ingredients. This beverage has high nutritional value and contains vitamins, minerals, enzymes and chlorophyll. This vibrant green beverage can provide many benefits.


Whether you're vegan or not, you should try this nutritious recipe right away. Because everything we eat affects our mood. Good food and drinks also support our soul.





2 servings

Preparation time:

5 minutes


  • 120 g fresh wheatgrass (recipe in the kitchen tips)
  • 100 g fresh pineapple, peeled.
  • 10 ml lime juice



  • Wash the fresh wheatgrass.

  • Place the fresh wheatgrass, pineapple, and lime juice into a blender.

  • Blend or juice the ingredients until smooth and well combined.

  • Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any fiber or solids. 

  • Pour the wheatgrass and pineapple juice into serving glasses.

  • Enjoy!
