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Seeds Drink (Vegan)
Seeds Drink (Vegan)

1m read

Seeds Drink (Vegan)

Satisfy your sweet cravings the good way.

We all have those moments when our sweet tooth comes knocking, tempting us with sugary treats that can derail our good habits. But fear not! There's a delightful and nutritious solution that will keep both your taste buds and your wellness goals happy—goody smoothies! 


Smoothies are not just a delicious alternative to sweets; they also pack a powerful nutritional punch. This nutrient-rich goodness not only supports your overall well-being but also helps curb cravings by providing a satisfying and nourishing treat.





2 servings

Preparation time:

10 minutes


  • 200 ml almond milk
  • 30 g chia seeds
  • 30 g spoon of flax seeds
  • 6 g agave syrup
  • 5 g cinnamon
  • 1 vanilla pod



  • Put the chia and flax seeds in a bowl and add enough water. Wait 5 minutes and stir until they gel.

  • Blend the gelled chia and flax seeds in a blender with almond milk, honey or agave syrup, vanilla extract, and cinnamon.

  • Pour the drink into a glass and serve.

  • Enjoy!
