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No Waste Almond Smoothie
No Waste Almond Smoothie

1m read

No Waste Almond Smoothie

The perfect midday  pick-me-up!


Are you tired of seeing those aging bananas on your kitchen counter, just waiting to be tossed into the bin? Well, worry no more! I've got the perfect solution for you - the 'No Waste Almond Smoothie.' This delightful concoction not only saves those forgotten bananas from going to waste but also makes for a guilt-free, light and refreshing treat. By repurposing leftovers, you're not only doing your part for the environment but also indulging in a deliciously creamy blend. A creamy, nutrient-packed smoothie that will satisfy your taste buds and leave you feeling energized throughout the day. So, say goodbye to food waste and hello to a tasty, guilt-free delight!"




2 servings

Preparation time:

5 minutes


  • 200 ml almond milk
  • 100 g aged banana
  • 80 g green apple
  • 70 g almond 
  • 50 g yogurt 
  • 30 g ice cubes 
  • 10 g honey



  • Firstly, peel the banana, core, and slice the apples.

  • Put all ingredients in a blender and blend for 4 minutes.

  • Enjoy! 
