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Leftover Summer Fruit Smoothie
Leftover Summer Fruit Smoothie

1m read

Leftover Summer Fruit Smoothie

Summer hit for summer heat!

As summer rolls around, our taste buds crave the vibrant flavors of juicy fruits that are in abundance. But what happens when we find ourselves with some leftover summer fruits that are just about to lose their freshness? Don't let them go to waste! In this recipe, we'll explore the world of a Leftover Summer Fruit Smoothie, which not only prevents food waste but also offers a refreshing alternative to heavy meals during the hot summer months. 


Summer is the perfect time to indulge in the goodness of smoothies. Not only are they a refreshing treat, but they also offer a host of benefits for our bodies. Instead of consuming heavy meals that can leave us feeling sluggish during the sweltering heat, a summer fruit smoothie provides a light and hydrating option. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, these smoothies can boost our immune system, support digestion, and keep us energized throughout the day. Plus, they are a great way to stay hydrated and beat the summer heat!





2 servings

Preparation time:

5 minutes


  • 300 g aged strawberries hulled and sliced.
  • 150 g greengage pitted and sliced.
  • 100 g aged banana peeled and sliced.
  • 50 g kiwi peeled and sliced.
  • 300 g yogurt
  • 5 cubes ice cubes



  • Add the sliced banana, kiwi, aged strawberries, greengage, and yogurt into a blender.

  • Blend on high speed until the mixture is smooth.

  • Add ice cubes to the blender and blend again until the mixture is thick and creamy.

  • Divide the smoothie into two glasses and serve.

  • Enjoy!
