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Leftover Detox Water (Vegan)
Leftover Detox Water (Vegan)

1m read

Leftover Detox Water (Vegan)

Turning Aging Fruits and Veggies into Liquid Gold!

When life gives you aging fruits and vegetables, don't despair!  Create your own elixir of freshness with Leftover Detox Water. This simple yet potent concoction allows you to turn those slightly wrinkled or past-their-prime produce into a revitalizing and hydrating drink.

In our quest for wellness, it's important to minimize food waste and find innovative ways to repurpose aging fruits and vegetables. Leftover Detox Water provides a brilliant solution, allowing you to extract the goodness from those less-than-perfect produce items.




2 servings

Preparation time:

2 hours


  • 500 ml water
  • 50 g aged vegetables (such as cucumber, carrots, or celery), sliced.
  • 50 g aged fruits (such as lemon, lime, or berries), sliced.
  • Few sprigs of fresh herbs (such as mint or basil)



  • In a pitcher or a large glass jar, add the water.

  • Add the sliced aged vegetables and fruits to the water.

  • Add a few sprigs of fresh herbs for flavor.

  • Stir the ingredients gently to mix them together.

  • Cover the pitcher or jar and let the mixture infuse in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or overnight for stronger flavors.

  • Once the detox water is infused, strain it into serving glasses.

  • Enjoy!
