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Leftover Breakfast Smoothie
Leftover Breakfast Smoothie

1m read

Leftover Breakfast Smoothie

Smoothie-licious mornings with leftover breakfast smoothie!

The same old breakfast routine? 


Well, it's time to shake things up with a Breakfast Leftover Smoothie! Leftover meals from the previous day can be easily transformed into a delicious and nutritious smoothie. Blend it all together, and voila! You have a vibrant and revitalizing breakfast drink that will leave you feeling satisfied and ready to tackle the day ahead.





2 servings

Preparation time:

5 minutes


  • 200 g leftover yogurt
  • 70 g chia seeds 
  • 50 g blueberry 
  • 50 g oats 
  • 20 g roasted flaxseeds 



  • Blend all the ingredients in a blender for 4 minutes and your breakfast is ready!

  • Enjoy!
