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Sugar- Free Chocolate Candies
Sugar- Free Chocolate Candies

1m read

Sugar- Free Chocolate Candies

A delightful treat for those who are conscious about their sugar intake.
These candies offer a guilt-free indulgence without compromising on taste.


One of the main highlights of sugar-free chocolate candies is the absence of refined sugar. Instead, alternative sweeteners are used to achieve the desired sweetness. This allows individuals to enjoy the rich and decadent flavors of chocolate without the negative effects of excessive sugar consumption.


Moreover, sugar-free chocolate candies offer a great option for individuals with dietary restrictions or those who are following a specific eating plan. They provide a suitable alternative for individuals who are managing conditions like diabetes or adhering to a low-carb or keto diet.


Reward yourself to a delightful snack that satisfies your chocolate cravings without the added sugar. Remember, a little sweetness can go a long way, especially when it comes to making mindful choices for your well-being.





2 servings

Preparation time/ Cooking time:

20 minutes / 10 minutes


  • 75 g sugar-free peanut butter
  • 65 g sugar-free dark chocolate
  • 20 dates
  • 20 g roasted peanuts
  • 10 g honey



  • In a chopper mix the sugar-free peanut, roasted peanut and honey until crunchy texture. 

  • Melt the dark chocolate using the double boiler method.

  • Remove  the pits of the dates.

  • Place  the peanut butter in a piping bag and squeezed into the pitted dates.

  • Cover the dates with melted chocolate.

  • Rest the dates in the refrigerated for 30 minutes and serve.


