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Sleeping Figs
Sleeping Figs

1m read

Sleeping Figs

Sweet Dreams with Sleepy Figs.

Dried figs are obtained by extracting the water from fresh figs and drying them. This process enhances the durability of figs and extends their shelf life. By doing so, we prevent the waste of our precious figs.

Dried figs have a sweet and intense flavor. They have unique tastes and textures and are typically consumed as snacks. In this recipe, we present our figs as a midnight snack. A guilt-free dessert alternative to satisfy those late-night sweet cravings.

And the best part? Dried figs can help ease our digestion, allowing our metabolism to keep working while we sleep. Just imagine, could there be a sweeter treat to indulge yourself in at night?

We highly recommend trying this recipe right away and keeping it in your kitchen for those nighttime dessert urges. It's the perfect remedy to satisfy your sweet tooth without any guilt.





2 servings

Preparation time:

4 hours


  • 250 ml milk
  • 75 g dried figs
  • 25 g walnuts, chopped
  • 5 g cinnamon powder
  • 1 piece cardamom 
  • 2 fresh figs, sliced



  • Warm the milk to 40°C on the stovetop.

  • Soak the dried figs in warm water for 10 minutes and strain.

  • In a chopper blend dried figs, warm milk, cinnamon and cardamom for 3 minutes.

  • Portion the mixture to two serving bowls, add chopped walnuts on top. 

  • Cover the top of the puddings and keep in the room temperature for 3 hours. Store in the fridge for at least 1 hour and serve with fresh figs on top. 


