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Leftover Orange Peel Chocolate Candies
Leftover Orange Peel Chocolate Candies

1m read

Leftover Orange Peel Chocolate Candies

Make yourself a dessert, give the planet what it deserves.

Leftover Orange Peel Chocolate Candies, as the name suggests, is a chocolate dessert made from unused orange peels. This recipe ensures that the orange peels are not wasted and are used in a delicious way.


The recipe is made by first sweetening the orange peels and then coating them with chocolate. As a result of the process, a chocolate coating enriched with the citrus flavor of orange peels is obtained.


It stands out as a delicious and environmentally friendly option.


P.S: Make sure the orange peels you will use in this recipe are organic and clean. Also, try to avoid the bitter white part of the peel and use only the orange part of the orange peel.





2 servings

Preparation time/ Cooking time:

5 minutes /10 minutes


  • 150 g orange peels 
  • 100 g dark chocolate
  • 75 ml water
  • 50 g brown sugar 
  • 5 g sea salt 
  • 3 cloves 
  • 2 g cardamom



  • Heat the sugar, water, cardamom, and cloves together and bring it to boil for 5 minutes.

  • Slice the orange peels thickly. Add the orange peels into the syrup and boil for 5 minutes. 

  • Take the peels out and let them dry. 

  • At the same time melt the chocolate in bain-marie. 

  • Dip the candied peels in chocolate and season with sea salt.

  • Enjoy!
