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Leftover Lotus Mozaic
Leftover Lotus Mozaic

1m read

Leftover Lotus Mozaic

Lotus Biscuit lovers are very lucky… Who doesn't love Lotus biscuits?


That's why when we go to the grocery store, we all buy plenty of this Lotus goodness, and since we can't devour them all at once, we end up with a bunch of leftover Lotus biscuits. Don't think they've lost their charm just because they've gone stale. With this recipe, you can transform your stale Lotus biscuits into a perfect dessert.


The coconut hints and almonds in the recipe will make this dessert your new addiction. The use of brown sugar will make you feel even better than regular sugar. When you have leftover Lotus biscuits at home, make sure to try this recipe. But wait, if you have other leftover biscuits at home, don't hesitate to try this recipe with them as well.





2 servings

Preparation time/ Freezing time:

10 minutes / 1 hour


  • 100 g lotus biscuit
  • 120 ml milk 
  • 20 g cocoa 
  • 20 g coconut oil 
  • 15 g brown sugar 
  • 10 g almond 
  • 10 g pistachio



  • Firstly, crumble the biscuits into a bowl.

  • Melt the coconut oil in a pan over a low heat.

  • Put the melted coconut oil, milk, brown sugar, and cocoa in a bowl and whisk with electric mixer.

  • Then add the biscuits, almonds and pistachios to the mixture and mix.

  • Transfer the whole mixture to cling film and roll it into a roll.

  • Place the roll mixture in the freezer for an hour. After one hour, remove from the freezer and slice and serve. 

  • Enjoy!
