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Leftover Coffee with Coconut Milk Vegan
Leftover Coffee with Coconut Milk Vegan

1m read

Leftover Coffee with Coconut Milk Vegan

Astronauts or coconuts?
Which is better for the good of the world?


Yes, our question is a bit extreme, but they both have good things to do for the world. For example, if that hot filter coffee that started your day quickly the day before, changed shape and came to you today. It gives you and nature a good start. Yes it would be absolutely great. This coffee has everything you are looking for. It doubles its flavor by creating an exquisite blend with that unique vegan flavor from coconut milk! All you have to do is start the day feeling good.





For 2 servings

Preparation time:

5 minutes



  • 300 ml filter coffee
  • 200 ml coconut milk



  • Pour the filter coffee into the ice tray and freeze.

  • Add 200 ml of coconut milk to the two-serving glass.

  • Add the frozen coffee cubes to the glass and serve it.

  • Enjoy!
