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Banana Milk Latte Vegan
Banana Milk Latte Vegan

1m read

Banana Milk Latte Vegan

You’ll want to wake up with this coffee every morning.

You're accustomed to following the same routine every morning. You wake up, turn on the coffee machine, and try to wake up with coffee while still feeling sleepy. With your permission, we'd like to break that routine a little. Instead of your usual morning coffee, we'd like to introduce you to a recipe that combines the energy of espresso, the freshness of fruit, and the creaminess of vegan milk to create a fantastic "Good Morning Latte." By doing so, you'll feel more energized and content, setting the stage for a wonderful start to your day.




For 2 servings

Preparation time:

10 minutes



  • 2 shots of espresso 
  • 450 ml oat milk
  • 200 g ripe bananas
  • 20 g maple syrup



  • Peel the bananas and place them in a blender.

  • Add the oat milk and maple syrup to the blender.

  • Blend on high speed until the bananas are completely mashed and the mixture is smooth.

  • Heat the banana milk in the coffee machine with a steam wand.

  • Brew 2 shots of espresso in a coffee machine.

  • Pour a shot of espresso into each mug.

  • Divide the banana milk mixture between two mugs.

  • Enjoy!
