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Non-waste Fruit Bowl
Non-waste Fruit Bowl

1m read

Non-waste Fruit Bowl

Sweet dreams are made of this!


If life gives you a lemon, you make lemonade. But if it yields more fruit, then this recipe is for you. Pieces of fruit in the fridge now turn into a perfect meal. Wash the fruits without using too much water. Remember to use every bit of fruit in this recipe. 


Then give it a nice shape and share it on social media. You will both feel good and enchant those who see it.




2 servings

Preparation time:

5 minutes


  • 50 g melon
  • 10 g raspberries
  • 10 g blueberries
  • 10 g blackberries


For the sauce;

  • Melon seeds
  • 10 g honey
  • 5 g cinnamon 



  • Remove melon seeds in a chopper. Add honey and cinnamon to the chopper and blend everything glazed texture.

  • Wash and dry berries and place them in serving bowl. 

  • Add melon pieces to the berries. 

  • Drizzle sauce on top and serve it.

  • Enjoy!
