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Matcha Bowl
Matcha Bowl

1m read

Matcha Bowl

It will fascinate you with its taste and visuality.

If you've been looking for a light yet delicious recipe for a long time, now you've found it. The benefits of matcha powder, the popular food of the last period, are endless! Matcha, which is usually consumed as tea; It is also frequently used in smoothies, cakes, cookies and drinks. This matcha bowl recipe is the most colorful of them all! This beautiful shade of green will whet your appetite and will make you crave any moment.




2 servings

Preparation time:

5 minutes


  • 200 g ripe bananas, frozen
  • 120 ml almond milk
  • 30 g almond meal
  • 30 g heavy cream
  • 10 g coconut flakes
  • 10 g fruit powder (recipe in the kitchen tips)
  • 4 g matcha powder



  • With a blender combine the matcha powder, frozen bananas, almond milk, almond meal, and heavy cream. Blend until smooth and creamy.

  • Divide the mixture between two serving bowls.

  • Sprinkle coconut flakes and fruit powder on top of each bowl and serve.

  • Enjoy!
