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Leftover Yogurt Bowl
Leftover Yogurt Bowl

1m read

Leftover Yogurt Bowl

Guess who is back? Leftover yogurt is back!

You opened the fridge and there's only half leftover yogurt? No problem, then you have a very good taste. All we have to do is find the appropriate recipe for this yogurt. With a few fruits, a little honey, and some stylist touches, the unfinished yogurt that you thought you might throw in the trash suddenly turned into a feast of taste.




2 servings

Preparation time:

5 minutes


  • 240 g plain yogurt
  • 60 g kavut (recipe in the kitchen tips)
  • 50 g sliced fresh strawberries.
  • 15 g honey
  • Pinch of salt



  • In a bowl, mix the yogurt, honey, and salt until well combined.

  • Divide the yogurt mixture between two bowls.

  • Top each bowl with the kavut mixture and sliced fresh strawberries and serve.

  • Enjoy!
